History and Creative Uses of the Camera Self Timer Function

History and Creative Uses of the Camera Self Timer Function
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The History of the Ol Timer Self Timer

The ol timer self timer has become an iconic feature in cameras over the years. Allowing photographers to take perfectly timed self portraits, the humble ol timer has come a long way since its early beginnings.

The First Self Timers

Self timers first started appearing in cameras in the early 1960s. These early timers were very simple mechanical devices that allowed the shutter to be released a few seconds after the button was pressed. They generally offered delays of around 10 or 12 seconds which gave the photographer time to get in place for the photo.

These early self timers were seen as something of a novelty rather than an essential feature. But as time went on they became more and more popular with photographers wanting to take self portraits or group shots without having to ask a stranger to help out.

Electronic Self Timers

In the 1970s camera technology moved from mechanical to electronic systems. This allowed self timers to become more sophisticated. Delays could now be accurate to the millisecond and a wider range of delays could be offered.

One of the most popular cameras of this era with an impressive self timer was the Minolta XE-7. It offered a 10 second delay but also had a separate 2 second setting for quick self portraits. This was one of the first cameras to really demonstrate the flexibility a good self timer could offer.

The Modern Ol Timer

Today's cameras feature bigger screens, wifi connectivity and a huge array of shooting modes. But the old faithful ol timer is still an important feature offered on most models.

More Flexibility

Self timers today usually offer a wide range of delay options. As well as the traditional 10 second delay, shorter delays around 2, 5 or 7 seconds are common. Some models even allow you to dial in a custom delay if none of the presets suit your needs.

Remote Control Capabilities

Another common feature today is the ability to use a smartphone or remote release to activate the timer. By syncing your phone with the camera over bluetooth or wifi, you can trigger the ol timer remotely while getting in position for the photo.

Other advanced features like timelapse, multiple exposures and shutter release automation are also integrating with the timer function these days. Allowing for sophisticated self portraits never before possible.

Creative Uses for Ol Timers Today

While most ol timers haven't changed radically in recent years, photographers today are using them in more creative ways than ever before thanks to the flexibility of modern digital cameras.

Light Painting

Setting a long exposure and using the timer to trigger the shutter allows creative light painters to incorporate themselves into their photos by drawing in light while the shutter is open.

Group Self Portraits

Short 2-5 second delays are perfect for hustling into frame for a quick group selfie. Using wifi control from your phone allows you to be in the shot and snap it perfectly every time.

Macro Shots

Enabling technologies like focus stacking have created new possibilities for macro photography. A self timer or remote trigger allows macro photographers to avoid vibrations that even touching the camera can cause.

While often seen as outdated technology, the ol faithful self timer continues to play an important role in modern photography. Offering flexibility and remote possibilities, the iconic timer function remains a versatile creative tool for photographers today.


When were the first self timers introduced in cameras?

Self timers first started appearing in cameras in the early 1960s. These early timers were very simple mechanical devices that allowed the shutter to be released a few seconds after the button was pressed.

How did self timers evolve after their initial introduction?

In the 1970s, electronic self timers offered more accurate delays and greater flexibility. For example, the Minolta XE-7 had separate 10 second and 2 second timer settings. Modern digital cameras continue to expand timer functionality with customizable delays, remote triggering capabilities, and integration with advanced shooting modes.

What are some creative ways photographers use self timers today?

Modern photographers use self timers for light painting night photographs, hustling into group self portraits, and avoiding vibrations for macro photography. Wireless remote control from smartphones combined with flexibility of timer settings enables new creative possibilities.

Why do self timers continue to be relevant in the age of modern digital photography?

Despite great technological advances in cameras, the ol' faithful self timer continues to serve an important role. The flexibility to trigger the camera shutter remotely while being in the photo yourself remains useful for photographers today exploring creative techniques.

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